🍒Creative Writing 101: How “Pretty” Colorful Notecards Help You Soar
Creativity and the computer

🍒Creative Writing 101: How “Pretty” Colorful Notecards Help You Soar

Creative Writing 101: Interview with Annabeth Albert Creative Writing 101: Write Smarter, Not Harder College writing professor Annabeth Albert is the author of over 35 works of fiction.You will LOVE this interview, based on her signature presentation, “Write Smarter, Not Harder” most recently delivered to the Romance Writers of America (RWA) 2020 Conference. As a prelude to this fun, energizing creative writing 101 interview,…

  • Post category:Writing
✍️ Scrivener vs Word: 5 Exciting Motivating  Power Tips You Need to Soar
Scrivener vs Word

✍️ Scrivener vs Word: 5 Exciting Motivating Power Tips You Need to Soar

Scrivener vs Word Curious about what goes on in the hallways of a writer’s conference? One can usually find writers whispering about the merits of Scrivener vs. Word. “Is Scrivener really better than Word when writing a novel?” one author usually asks another. Writers, non-fiction and fiction alike, are curious to see how Scrivener measures up against Microsoft Word and Mac pages. Why…

  • Post category:Writing
Avoiding Distractions: 3 Easy Fun Ways You’ll Love
Avoiding Distraction Boxers

Avoiding Distractions: 3 Easy Fun Ways You’ll Love

Avoiding Distractions: 3 Easy Fun Ways You'll Love Avoiding Distractions Do you wake up in the morning excited to write… But then think of all the things you need to do first? What if there was a way to avoid distractions? Avoiding distractions is a common problem in the writing community. Usually, avoiding distractions goes hand in hand with procrastination.. In classic Western…

  • Post category:Writing
4 Best French Bakeries in NYC
4 Best French Bakeries in NYC

4 Best French Bakeries in NYC

Best French Bakeries in NYCSo you already know that I have a “thing” about French pastry.You love French bakeries.Actually, I have a thing about sugar in general. I suppose it started when I was a child and I used to place a thick layer of sugar on my cereal …Happily, I have successfully transferred my sugar-fix to real French pastry - the kind…

  • Post category:Diary
Central Park Romance
Central Park Romance

Central Park Romance

  Central Park Romance Okay. So I’ve been cooped up all week with this Corona thing. When my friend Troy asked me to go for a walk in Central Park, of course I said yes. Central Park is in New York City, and it’s not too far from my house. Since everyone in the city is under quarantine with this Corona thing, I…

  • Post category:Diary
5 Fun Things to See in Barcelona
What to see in Barcelona in 2 Days

5 Fun Things to See in Barcelona

What to See in Barcelona in 2 DaysHello from Barcelona!My plane just landed and I can’t tell you how excited I am to rush outside and see the entire city!And I only have 2 days!What to see in Barcelona in 2 days???It’s a beautiful sunny day and I could see the blue Mediterranean just before we touched ground. I wanted to rush out…

  • Post category:Diary

Luxury Weekend in Barcelona

Luxury Weekend in Barcelona Hello from Barcelona ... ...and welcome to my Barcelona weekend! So now I am in Barcelona for the fashion shoot! A lot of people think being an Influencer is a dream job. And it is! The company that hired me for this Barcelona Weekend booked me a room at the luxurious Nobu Barcelona hotel. Talk about a luxury weekend …

  • Post category:Diary