Is Kindle Unlimited “Worth” The Subscription Price?

Kindle Unlimited books

Are you considering buying a subscription to Kindle Unlimited? (KU)

I remember back in 2017 wondering if KU was worth the price.

A major concern was if I’d get my money back (about $9.99 monthly) if I didn’t like the “free” books offered …

… or if the service had glitches or proved hard to use.

Yet the idea of being able to “check out” as many books as I wanted really intrigued me.

After all, I was that girl who stopped by the local library to browse for a book. Then ended up walking home with so many books they kept falling along the way.

Remember Dragging Books Home from the Library?

Kindle Unlimited Browsing

Even though I can check out books from the New York Public Library (free) through their online SimplyE system, it’s not quite as convenient as buying or borrowing from Amazon.


Kindle Unlimited Benefits

Kindle Unlimited library

Taking the Leap
Kindle Unlimited offers and endless choice of books.

Some are classics.

But what I found was that Kindle Unlimited was a great way to discover new writers. 

So I took the leap into KU.

And I loved it.

I’m a binge reader.

So it’s very typical of me to download a KU book, read or skim through it right to the end, then return it so I can download a fresh new book. 

According to the newest Amazon’s rules, you can have twenty books in your library at a time.

So it’s a matter of stocking your library to the allowed titles. 

Then returning the finished books so you can grab more!  

Kindle Unlimited is a fantastic way to introduce new authors I’d otherwise never read.

Kindle Unlimited library chair

Downside to Kindle Unlimited?

As a voracious reader who downloads dozens, possibly hundreds, of Kindle Unlimited books a month, I don’t see any downside.

Well, perhaps few.

1. It gets addicting. Too many books, too little time.

2. Almost as soon as you join KU, you will discover the alloted number of books at one time is not enough!

To explain, I’m the type of reader who likes to dip into a variety of books. And sprinkle my selection with some non-fiction.

And even after I finish a book, I like to keep them around to re-read them.

So I wish I could keep a limitless amount of KU books in my library.

But aside from that, love this subscription service. 

Here’s the code to get Kindle Unlimited free for a month. You can check out hundreds of books during your free month.

See how you like the Kindle Unlimited subscription service.

But REMEMBER to put a note, or even an alarm, in your calendar so you can cancel from Kindle Unlimited.

Here’s that code for a Kindle Unlimited free trial once again.

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