Luxury Weekend in Barcelona

Hello from Barcelona …

…and welcome to my Barcelona weekend!

So now I am in Barcelona for the fashion shoot!

A lot of people think being an Influencer is a dream job.

And it is!

The company that hired me for this Barcelona Weekend booked me a room at the luxurious Nobu Barcelona hotel.

Talk about a luxury weekend  in Barcelona!

If you’ve been to Barcelona, it is right by the train station and pretty near the Parc Guell, where the artist Gaudi had a home for twenty years … almost my entire life!

Barcelona Luxury


So I can tell you all about the park, the sculptures I saw this morning when I was out for a job, and all that, but I’m sure you’re more curious about –

  1. How cute the photographer is
  2. What I’m going to wear for dinner tonight at Nobu
  3. Where I’m going to go to lunch.

Well, to answer your question about my Barcelona Weekend, yes the photographer is gorgeous.

And yes, he is also gay.

But he’s super nice and guess what? He brought a suitcase of the best outfits for the fashion shoot, and he says I get to keep them when were done!

We had the shoot this afternoon and I’m glad it’s over. Yes, a fashion shoot is supposed to be glamorous and I suppose it is.

If I sound jaded, it’s because I probably am.

I’ve been doing this for two years and at first it was super fun.

… and it is still super fun. But now it’s more of a profession instead of a hobby.

So that automatically takes a lot of the fun away from it.

Also, I never really used to care about getting enough sleep and partied all night.

But now I have to really do boring things like limit myself to a glass of Champagne and get a full seven hours of sleep.

Or else the make-up people are going to throw a fit when I show up.

The last time I showed up after a night of partying was the last time I partied again when I was on a shoot.

I didn’t think I looked all that different when I woke up in the morning and saw myself in the mirror. But I guess the client and makeup people did.

Nobu Hotel Luxury

Barcelona Weekend at Nobu Barcelona Hotel

Anyway, for my Barcelona Weekend  I have an actual suite at the Nobu Barcelona Hotel, and it’s pretty amazing.

I have it all to myself, which is kind of a drag because I began this trip with an idea of a hot fling with a dashing Spaniard.

But there hasn’t been time to meet anyone during this Barcelona Weekend, and I guess it’s kind of nice having some quiet time.

The suite is incredible. Like most suites it is split into two rooms.

… and the bathroom is amazing.


Nobu Japanese Bath
Nobu Luxury Bath

Especially the tub.

t’s a Japanese soaking tub and it looks like one of the wooden Bento boxes you are served when you order an entrée at Nobu.

And man, it’s deep too!

The idea is to take a shower first (Japanese style) and then use the tub. I made the water super-hot and filled it with the Natura Bisse products that have.


During the shoot, the photographer was playing a very cool DJ mix he made on Spotify. It’s a mix of French rap and Jazz from the 20s.

So now I’m going to pause and take a nap … I’ll check back in after dinner.

Barcelona Weekend Dinner at Nobu

The Nobu restaurant for my Barcelona Weekend is located on the 21st floor of the hotel, and looks over the entire city. I got here at sunset so I could take in the fabulous view of the ocean and mountains at twilight.

The maître ‘d sat me at a fantastic table, and the entire staff was so nice to me. I’m not sure it’s because I’m a young woman dining alone, or because I look slightly hot.

Maybe a bit of both.

I’m wearing one of my favorite dresses from Revolve.

Okay, it’s a bit extreme … it’s a bodycon black dress, given new elegance by a sheer waist to ankle black skirt that opens in the front.

So when I walk, everyone can take in my long toned legs (thanks Pilates!) and my high heeled Manolo Blahnik shoes.

The shoes are way too narrow, and hurt like hell. They’re probably a size too small (a photographer gave them to me after a shoot last year) but I would never pay that kind of money myself.

Barcelona Weekend Nobu Scene

As I sip my Gin and Tonic (a big thing here) I take in the crowd.

Now I’ve been traveling forever and have been to a lot of Nobu restaurants, mostly New York and London.

The Tribecca Nobu recently closed (super bummer!) and my London Nobu experiences are oh-so-long ago.

I was imagining the Nobu Barcelona Restaurant to be filled with super Guapo (that means handsome in Spanish) but … no.

I mean, the guys are okay looking. But they’re not even Spanish! Almost everyone here is speaking with an English accent.

Across from me are a bunch of “blokes” that sound like they’re from Manchester and play on a soccer team.

They probably do, because they’re all wearing a team t-shirt.

Just when I think I over-dressed a bit, these five girls walk in. They’re probably about my age, but I think even younger. They have that smug look like they’re homecoming princesses in their small town.

And boy, are they dressed to the nines!

Yes, I am dressed flamboyantly, but Revolve isn’t all that expensive even though it is showy.

These girls have serious money, wearing the new line of Chanel meant to appeal to the younger set. I can’t tell their nationality until they sit down.

American, with a Southern Drawl.

They’re too far away to hear if they’re visiting Barcelona for a Bachelorette weekend.

Probably that’s it.


Yet whatever they’re here for, they have money to burn.

Champagne. Omakase menu. The whole shebang.

The soccer guys send a drink my way. Feeling reckless and a bit restless as well, I pause only a moment in consideration before smiling and refusing the drink.

Barcelona Weekend Alone

Though I want to check out some of the famous Barcelona nightclubs, I tell myself no, no, no.

Tomorrow I have an early morning shoot.

No way will another makeup artist take a look at my face and throw a snit fit.

So I finish my dinner, resist another drink, and go upstairs. I take yet another bath in that irresistible Nobu tub, and drag my laptop into bed with me.

This incredible suite is made for a sex-soaked weekend with a handsome Spaniard, and it’s almost a crime that I’m here alone, propped up on fresh white cotton pillows, putting the finishing touches on my new book.

At least my editor will be happy – so will the makeup artist.

And that’s a wrap about the (luxurious, but boring) way I spent my weekend in Barcelona!

Talk to you when I’m back in NY